I attempted to be more productive than usual this week since I was off of work for the holiday . I feel like it is safe to say that everyone's idea or definition of productivity is different..... At present my idea of productivity is waking up early to drink "decaf" coffee, visiting gardens with art galleries, going to the flower mart, coming home and arranging the flowers I just purchased and.......well, painting. While painting is usually a staple when categorizing productivity, it never seems to be a priority....I'm trying to change that.
While walking around the gallery, a man working in the museum with the same body structure as Frankenstein's Monster smiled and winked at me. He had the aura of a gentle giant and what would have normally been creepy and awkward seemed kind and somewhat humorous. Oh surprises! ha
At the moment there are paintings in progress. They are not quite ready to show there faces yet......all in good time my friends.....